Monday 24 November 2014

Lhoknga Beach of Aceh

Lhoknga beach tourist area in the district of Lhoknga just 20 kilometers (km) or approximately less than 30 minutes by road from Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh province. Its location right on the edge of the national road from Banda Aceh to Meulaboh.

Attractions are quite famous in Aceh is a combination of beauty treats beach, sea and mountains asrinya lime green stretches. A combination rarely found in other places.

Administratively, Lampuuk Beach located in the District Lhoknga, so it is actually a bit ambiguous distinguish between Lampuuk Beach and beach Lhoknga. However, generally the people were given the title 'Lhoknga Beach' to the area behind the Golf Lhoknga to the waterfront park after complex Semen Andalas.

Lhoknga beach surrounded by shady trees and dense. Because these trees, Lhoknga Beach has a natural beach atmosphere and cool. Not much different from Lampu'uk beach, beach Lhoknga also has a white sand clean. Seawater was crystal clear turquoise colored, makes you want to play water or just menyemplungkan foot into it and let the waves hit the soles of your feet.

For lovers of surfing (surfing) tourist area is very suitable for you. Or you just want to enjoy the atmosphere? Please just linger in lodges food and beverage vendors under rindanganya cypress lined. From here, also enjoy the beautiful sunset (sunrise) ahead of day to night.

Generally, the surfers know there are two different types of waves in certain months in Lampuuk. June to November in the current season with the famous West wind surf beaches (beach break), while in December to May when the east wind blows famous for its coral waves (reef break).

The surfers also know there are five points that can be climbed wave surfers in Lampuuk. The first is the 'Left Hander Point', which left waves within 300 meters from the beach which is very suitable for those who are new to surfing.

The second is the 'Right Fir Point', ie the right waves is about 300 meters from the beach. Both of these points become a favorite spot for surfers Sakura Japanese origin.

Furthermore, "Peak Point 'ie left and right waves within 300 meters from the beach. Strong currents make the surfers have to be careful here.

A local surfer who died when the 2004 tsunami named Suri bear the name of the fourth point, namely 'Suri Point' which is 200 meters from the beach. During his life, Suri is a specialist at this point. Finally, 'Out Side Right Hander' that is right waves within 500 meters from the beach which has strong currents and dangerous.

beach with a distance of approximately 22 kilometers from Banda Aceh is also a great spot to enjoy the sunset. The atmosphere afternoon in Lhoknga feels more quiet and peaceful.

You are new to being a newlywed and want to find a place for honeymooners, could be an alternative Lhoknga Beach looking for a romantic place. Being on this beach while accompan
ied by the sea breeze in the afternoon and the sky began to dim light makes the atmosphere was romantic.

Not only that, for you who like fishing, available Lhoknga Coast fishing area. The fishing area is located at the top of the cliffs around the sea. To climb the cliffs, provided a bridge made of coconut wood. Arriving at the top of the cliff you will find a cabin, not only for fishing but you can relax at the same time capture the beauty of Lhoknga Beach.

The designation Lampuuk Beach section is devoted to the beach that stretches from Babah Babah One to Four. Although this second position adjacent beach, but both have their respective advantages.

If the beach is now synonymous with leisure Lampuuk Banana Boat and culinary grilled fish, then better known Lhoknga Beach Golf Course, Surfing and fishing activities. Especially for surfing, surf beach Lhoknga large and ferocious been famous among the international surfing community.

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