Friday, 28 November 2014

Pulo Aceh

Pulo Aceh adalah satu-satunya kecamatan di Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Provinsi Aceh, yang memiliki wilayah kepulauan. Kecamatan Pulo Aceh memiliki 10 pulau, namun hanya 3 pulau yang berpenghuni. Yaitu Pulau Nasi, Pulau Breueh, dan Pulau Teunom (Keureusek). Pulau terbesar, yaitu Pulau Breueh, terdiri dari 2 mukim, Mukim Pulau Breueh Selatan dan Mukim Pulau Breueh Utara, yang dibagi lagi menjadi 12 desa. Ibukota kecamatan Pulo Aceh berada di Lampuyang, sebuah desa yang termasuk dalam mukim Pulau Breueh Selatan.

Sebagai daerah kepulauan, mata pencaharian utama para penduduknya adalah nelayan. Berbagai jenis hasil laut seperti cumi-cumi, gurita, ikan tongkol, tuna dan lobster merupakan beberapa hasil utama Pulau Breueh yang kebanyakan diperdagangkan di Banda Aceh. Selain dari hasil laut, pertanian dan perkebunan juga menjadi mata pencaharian penduduk Pulau Breueh. Pulau Breueh memiliki topografi alam perbukitan dengan hutan yang masih sangat lebat di tengah pulau dan banyak pantai landai dengan pasir putih di sisi luarnya. Kondisi alam yang indah dan masih belum banyak tersentuh tangan manusia membuat Pulau Breueh memiliki potensi wisata yang sangat besar.

Hanya ada moda transportasi berupa boat nelayan pengangkut barang dan ikan yang setiap hari, kecuali Jumat, berangkat dari Pelabuhan Lampulo di Banda Aceh pukul 14.00 WIB. Perjalanan ditempuh kurang lebih selama 2 jam. Ada beberapa boat yang bisa dipilih, boat yang menuju ke desa Gugop atau boat yang menuju ke Lampuyang. Ada pula boat yang langsung menuju desa Meulingge, namun jadwalnya tidak pasti. Untuk mengawali petualangan di Pulau Breueh, lebih bagus dimulai dari desa Gugop, sebuah desa yang memiliki sarana dan prasarana cukup memadai di Pulau Breueh. Hanya ada 1 boat setiap hari yang menuju ke sana, bergantian antara KM Satria Baru atau KM Jasa Bunda. Untuk kembali ke Banda Aceh, boat dari desa Gugop berangkat pukul 08.00. Jangan sampai telat, karena jadwal keberangkatan boat ini sangat tepat waktu.

Tidak ada transportasi umum di Pulau Breueh. Membawa kendaraan roda dua dari Banda Aceh adalah keputusan bijak. Atau cara lain, meminta tolong kepada penduduk lokal untuk memberikan tumpangan berkeliling pulau dengan motor mereka. Dengan senang hati, mereka akan membantu. Dan apabila menyukai aktifitas jalan kaki, banyak sekali tempat menarik yang bisa dijangkau dengan berjalan kaki, walaupun mungkin akan membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama.

Tidak ada hotel maupun hostel. Menginap di salah satu rumah penduduk adalah pilihan terbaik. Jika memiliki tenda dan menyukai kegiatan outdoor, akan lebih menyenangkan berkemah. Banyak tempat eksotis yang bisa digunakan untuk berkemah, misalnya di pinggir pantai. Tapi jangan lupa, laporlah kepada Kepala Desa atau Kepala Mukim apabila berkunjung ke Pulau Breueh.

Bagaimana dengan makanan? Tidak ada restoran di Pulau Breueh. Kalaupun ada, mungkin sedikit sekali. Pada kunjungan saya beberapa waktu lalu saya tidak menemukan satu pun restoran atau warung makan. Tentu saja, apabila menginap di rumah penduduk lokal, makanan pun akan disediakan oleh mereka. Atau alternatif lain, membawa alat masak sendiri semacam kompor portable untuk memasak mie instan dan ikan yang bisa dipancing sendiri atau dibeli dari penduduk lokal. Tenang saja, untuk membeli bahan makanan mentah semacam mie instan ataupun beras masih bisa dilakukan di beberapa kios dan toko kelontong di sana.

Siapkan juga uang yang cukup untuk biaya selama di Pulau Breueh. Tidak terdapat Bank atau ATM di sana. Memang penduduk lokal kebanyakan tidak meminta uang dari para pelancong yang berkunjung ke Pulau Breueh atas jasa akomodasi selama di sana. Mereka sangat senang menerima dan sangat menghormati tamu. Namun, alangkah baiknya apabila pelancong memberikan uang paling tidak untuk mengganti uang belanja mereka.

Tidak jauh dari pusat Desa Gugop terdapat pantai yang sempurna untuk menikmati matahari terbenam. Pantai Lambaro namanya. Pantai yang landai, memiliki alur panjang, serta pasir putih yang memikat ini memang menghadap arah barat. Apabila langit cerah, matahari tenggelam akan tampak sangat indah. Kelebihan lainnya, pantai ini relatif sepi. Jadi, pelancong akan merasa seperti menikmati sunset di pulau milik pribadi. Tapi pantai yang sepi ini bisa berubah menjadi sangat ramai ketika hari-hari besar agama Islam, seperti sehari sebelum 1 ramadhan, hari raya Idul Fitri, Idul Adha, dan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW. Sudah menjadi tradisi di Aceh, ketika hari raya penduduk lokal akan berbondong-bondong berkumpul di pantai. Menjadi salah satu tujuan utama di Pulau Breueh memberikan konsekuensi cukup buruk bagi pantai ini, yaitu sampah plastik yang berserakan. Bagi para pelancong, kalaupun tidak bisa ikut membersihkan pantai, tolong sekali, paling tidak jangan ikut mengotori. Bawa kembali sampah-sampah milik kalian.

Sekitar setengah jam naik motor dari desa Gugop, terletak Pantai Balu. Struktur pantai yang mirip dengan Pantai Lambaro ini merupakan salah satu primadona wisata di Pulau Breueh Selatan. Mungkin karena letaknya lebih jauh daripada Pantai Lambaro menjadikan pantai ini lebih jarang dikunjungi oleh orang. Sisi positifnya, Pantai Balu menjadi lebih bersih daripada Pantai Lambaro.

Berada di Pulau Breueh Utara, mercusuar Willems Torren III yang dibangun oleh Belanda pada tahun 1875 ini bisa dibilang sebagai sajian utama wisata di Pulau Breueh. Mercusuar ini bisa ditempuh dengan waktu tempuh perjalanan selama 2 jam dari desa Gugop menggunakan sepeda motor. Siapkan fisik jika berkunjung ke sana. Walaupun sebagian jalan menuju ke desa Meulingge, desa terbarat di Indonesia tempat mercusuar ini berada, sudah diaspal, namun banyak bagian jalan lainnya yang masih berupa jalan tanah berbatu. Apalagi di 3 km terakhir menuju mercusuar, kesabaran akan diuji dengan sulitnya jalan yang dilalui. Namun perjuangan itu akan sirna begitu melihat mercusuar berwarna merah putih ini. Pemandangan Samudra Hindia, beberapa pulau terluar Indonesia, dan Pulau Weh yang terkenal dengan kota Sabang-nya, pasti memukau mata siapa saja yang memandang. Apalagi menikmati sunset dari atas mercusuar.

Apabila memiliki waktu longgar, kunjungi pula beberapa pelabuhan kecil seperti pelabuhan di desa Rinon, Meulingge, atau pun Lampuyang. Bahkan, di desa Lampuyang pelancong bisa mengunjungi tempat pembuatan kapal nelayan yang terbuat dari kayu. Beberapa pantai di Lampuyang juga bisa digunakan untuk menikmati matahari terbit. Dan, bagi pecinta petualangan, mendaki salah satu bukit yang konon di atasnya terdapat sebuah benteng Belanda juga menjadi alternatif kegiatan yang sangat menyenangkan. Dan temukan pula kisah-kisah unik dari tapal batas dengan banyak-banyak berinteraksi dengan penduduk lokal selama di salah satu pulau terbarat di Indonesia ini.

Berdasarkan folktale yang berkembang di masyarakat Pulo Aceh, nama Pulau Breueh dan Pulau Nasi berasal dari jenis makanan yang harus dibawa oleh pendatang ketika mengunjungi pulau tersebut di masa lampau. Dahulu, apabila ada orang yang datang ke Pulau Nasi, dari daratan Sumatra membawa nasi untuk bekal mereka. Namun ketika mereka pergi ke Pulau Breueh, karena letaknya yang lebih jauh, ternyata nasi yang dibawa dari rumah sudah menjadi basi. Sebagai pelajaran, akhirnya mereka membawa beras saja. Ya, breueh dalam Bahasa Aceh berarti beras. Lalu, kenapa dinamakan Pulau Nasi, bukan Pulau Bu (Bu dalam Bahasa Aceh berarti Nasi), atau Pulau Breueh, bukan Pulau Beras? Saya belum menemukan penjelasan yang memuaskan atas pertanyaan itu.

Kuala Merisi Beach

The province Aceh many beautiful beaches, with its own characteristics. One of these beaches Kuala Merisi, which is located in the district of Aceh Jaya. Kuala Merisi beach is gorgeous beaches, natural and yet many visitors.

Kuala Merisi beach has a long coastline with clean white sand. However, the waves on the beach is not so great. One of the interesting activities at this resort are tourists can try to explore the length of the beach by foot explore the waterfront.

In addition, tourists can relax on the beach, to organize a towel as bedding over glittering white sand, while the cool breeze menikmari beach and looked at the bright blue sky. The beach is not so crowded it will create an atmosphere of calm, comfortable and peaceful.

Waves on the beach Kuala Merisi not suitable for surfing activities. Oleg because the beach is suitable for swimming with family and friends. Some supporters patterns have been built in this place. Travelers do not need to worry about, has been available bathroom facilities.

Another charm that will be encountered by tourists in District Jaya are tourists do not be surprised if you meet the locals who were white, blond and blue-eyed beramput. Mareka are descendants of Portuguese soldier who was stranded on the coast of the Kingdom of Power in the 16th century. Then the soldiers were taken prisoner by the local king, after some time the Portuguese soldiers have studied Islam and married with the locals.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Lange Beach Aceh Besar

Lange beach, located in the village of Lam Lhom, Aceh Besar, the location is quite hidden. We must pass through the forest and gardens of the community to reach this location. takes a trip for about 2 hours in the woods, when it first entered the forest we can still see the path. But getting into the forest, thick vegetation, and climbing conditions of the forest. The journey there was quite a challenge, walking route up and down quite exhausting. But it all paid off with beautiful beaches.

Lange beach can be a place to relax, with a natural atmosphere. Here we can swim, picnic and enjoy the natural fountains. There are lots of great scenery, perfect for hunters natural scenery landscape photos.

But it is the main attraction of the beach Lange is not shared by the other beaches are natural fountain. Water which gushed through rock crevices become an attraction in itself. Not get enough time to spend here, there is a sensation like feeling of relaxation spa.

There are many marine animals also here from shellfish, fish and sea urchins. So while playing water also can chat with them.

If you want an expedition to this beach, in addition to physical preparation should you prepare logistical supplies. Especially drinking water supplies because it will make the journey in thirst, you are also required to set the appropriate time before departing to ensure expedition traversed with sufficient time (do not be late) in the head and back so you do not have to stay in this virgin beach.

Tapak Gajah Beach (Tread Elephant Beach)

The beach is located in the village of Tapak Gajah (Tread Elephant). It is said that in this village by the local people found the footprints of animals, the elephant. So that this village until now named Tread Elephant. Not far from the settlement there is a beach and they named Tapak Gajah Coast. Beach is famous for its white sandy beaches and rocks along the coast wide adorn the beauty of coconut trees and covered by weeds.

Moreover, as other evidence not far from the beach there is also a cemetery that is sacred to the local community is one of the funeral Aulia 44 in Sabang (Pulau Weh). Not far from this beach there is a lodging and also sank a Japanese Heritage Fortress.

Beach Anoi Itam "Black Sand"

Bored with white sandy beaches, Aceh also has an exotic black sand beaches. Try to make a trip to the beach Anoi Black in Sabang, Aceh. The beach which is about 13 km from the city center is not too crowded, perfect for the traveler who wants to calm down.

Although it has a black color, does not mean it does not have a beach soft texture. The sand is not less than the soft sand elsewhere. One thing that makes it unique which is a combination of clear, distant sea water and black sand. Really beautiful and exotic.

Black sand beach has a characteristic such as volcanic sand. The possibility of the sand comes from the still active volcano on the island of Weh. Some sources say the sand on the beach Anoi ITAM has a specific gravity that is different from the black sand on the coast, which is about three times heavier.

Anoi Itam beautiful beaches, making this beach has a special attraction for tourists, both local and abroad. In addition to enjoying the scenery beautiful beaches, near the coast there are also relics of the Japanese castle. For tourists who like historical attractions, tourists can visit the castle. In the past this castle defense function sebangai a Japanese soldier.

In addition to enjoying the sensation of black sand grains are relatively large. By walking on the sand barefoot, can give a sensation of healthy natural therapies. Blue waves of the new pile of coral made the atmosphere more pleasant. Looks green hills around the coast.

Iboih beach in Sabang

Iboih beach, known as one of the world's most beautiful paradise beaches. Iboih Beach is an island located in Weh Island Sabang. This beach has a charm of natural attractions that attract local and foreign tourists. Most who come to the beach Iboih that foreign tourists, which this place is a paradise for snorkeling and diving.

Iboih beach is actually a port that is used to get to the island Rubiah. Although a port, but the beauty of the beach Iboih no doubt. Clear seawater and has a blue-green shades of color plus a clean white sand and surrounded by protected forest, Iboih like "heaven" hidden that has the feel calm and peaceful.

Located at the western end of the island of Sumatra, Iboih Beach offers unspoiled natural beauty. Seawater is so clear, yet again if diving, you will be greeted by a magnificent underwater kingdom.

Iboih beach located in the District Municipality Sukakarya Sabang. Urban Village has an area of 15 km2 Iboih. To reach the location can be reached by the sea (fast boat) for ± 45 minutes from the Port of Ule Lhue and road for ± 45 minutes from the Port Balohan to the location. 

On the beach Ibioh we can enjoy the beautiful scenery. And many other nature tourism activities to do there, like water tourism, among others, surfing, canoeing, swimming, and diving to enjoy underwater natural diversity of coral reefs and fish the beautiful reefs.

Some facilities that can support tourism activities, among others, lodges and bed around Iboih built by society, shelter, souvenir kiosks and hotels located in Gapang. From the beach, tourists can visit the island Iboih nuns are famous for natural beauty of the marine park. Furthermore Rubiah Island there are various facilities built among other things, the center of diving activities equipped with amenities (motorboats, diving equipment), shelter, home guard, lookout towers, walkways, parks and electrical installations.

Morning is the best time to snorkel favors. Apart from the plankton is not rising to the surface, cool atmosphere in the morning will give the impression of a more profound amazement. Especially if you can get into a boat and circled Rubiah Island. Nuns is an island across from the beach Iboih. If yes desperate swim to the island, there is a sensation that is guaranteed to be more challenging. Collection of coral reefs around the island will be more pleasing to the eye.

Some of the high lights of Iboih and Rubiah Island Beach is where the pups. Yes, if you're lucky, you'll find kids shark swimming near the shore. Usually they exist at a depth of 2-3 meters. No need to be afraid, you just need to make sure there was no blood around the body.

Iboih Coast, tourists will be faced with many diving spots. Maybe not quite a day to enjoy contents under water. Especially if you want to dive in this area, I think it took a week to settle for playing in Sabang.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Lhoknga Beach of Aceh

Lhoknga beach tourist area in the district of Lhoknga just 20 kilometers (km) or approximately less than 30 minutes by road from Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh province. Its location right on the edge of the national road from Banda Aceh to Meulaboh.

Attractions are quite famous in Aceh is a combination of beauty treats beach, sea and mountains asrinya lime green stretches. A combination rarely found in other places.

Administratively, Lampuuk Beach located in the District Lhoknga, so it is actually a bit ambiguous distinguish between Lampuuk Beach and beach Lhoknga. However, generally the people were given the title 'Lhoknga Beach' to the area behind the Golf Lhoknga to the waterfront park after complex Semen Andalas.

Lhoknga beach surrounded by shady trees and dense. Because these trees, Lhoknga Beach has a natural beach atmosphere and cool. Not much different from Lampu'uk beach, beach Lhoknga also has a white sand clean. Seawater was crystal clear turquoise colored, makes you want to play water or just menyemplungkan foot into it and let the waves hit the soles of your feet.

For lovers of surfing (surfing) tourist area is very suitable for you. Or you just want to enjoy the atmosphere? Please just linger in lodges food and beverage vendors under rindanganya cypress lined. From here, also enjoy the beautiful sunset (sunrise) ahead of day to night.

Generally, the surfers know there are two different types of waves in certain months in Lampuuk. June to November in the current season with the famous West wind surf beaches (beach break), while in December to May when the east wind blows famous for its coral waves (reef break).

The surfers also know there are five points that can be climbed wave surfers in Lampuuk. The first is the 'Left Hander Point', which left waves within 300 meters from the beach which is very suitable for those who are new to surfing.

The second is the 'Right Fir Point', ie the right waves is about 300 meters from the beach. Both of these points become a favorite spot for surfers Sakura Japanese origin.

Furthermore, "Peak Point 'ie left and right waves within 300 meters from the beach. Strong currents make the surfers have to be careful here.

A local surfer who died when the 2004 tsunami named Suri bear the name of the fourth point, namely 'Suri Point' which is 200 meters from the beach. During his life, Suri is a specialist at this point. Finally, 'Out Side Right Hander' that is right waves within 500 meters from the beach which has strong currents and dangerous.

beach with a distance of approximately 22 kilometers from Banda Aceh is also a great spot to enjoy the sunset. The atmosphere afternoon in Lhoknga feels more quiet and peaceful.

You are new to being a newlywed and want to find a place for honeymooners, could be an alternative Lhoknga Beach looking for a romantic place. Being on this beach while accompan
ied by the sea breeze in the afternoon and the sky began to dim light makes the atmosphere was romantic.

Not only that, for you who like fishing, available Lhoknga Coast fishing area. The fishing area is located at the top of the cliffs around the sea. To climb the cliffs, provided a bridge made of coconut wood. Arriving at the top of the cliff you will find a cabin, not only for fishing but you can relax at the same time capture the beauty of Lhoknga Beach.

The designation Lampuuk Beach section is devoted to the beach that stretches from Babah Babah One to Four. Although this second position adjacent beach, but both have their respective advantages.

If the beach is now synonymous with leisure Lampuuk Banana Boat and culinary grilled fish, then better known Lhoknga Beach Golf Course, Surfing and fishing activities. Especially for surfing, surf beach Lhoknga large and ferocious been famous among the international surfing community.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

The Beauty of The Beach Lampuuk Aceh

ENJOY the sun on the white sandy beaches, surfing the blue waves of the sea, and waited elegance sunsets can be enjoyed not only in Bali. Aceh has Lampuuk Beach which has all the advantages. The beach is located in the subdistrict of Lhoknga, Aceh Besar, this overlooks the Indian Ocean.

Lampuuk Beach exact location in the western region of Aceh, about 15 kilometers from Banda Aceh. The condition of the road leading to it was pretty nice place making it easier for tourists. There is no public transport to get there so that tourists have to use private vehicles.

Lampuuk Beach has a coastline of about 5 kilometers. Clean white sandy beach is the soft, blue-green sea, and the waves for the surfers friendly. Inland there are lush pine trees and further visible green mountain range. There are visitors who swim while playing the waves, nothing makes castles of sand, there is a play banana boat, and some are just sitting on the seaside or in the shelter while drinking coconut ice.

When dusk, visitors rushed to the edge of the beach waiting for the sun down to dusk. Mostly they are getting with each camera to capture the beauty of nature when the sun sets on the western horizon.

Natural panorama that makes Lampuuk Beach became one of the prime tourist spot in Aceh. Moreover, the beach is located in the township area is still quiet and calm. There, tourists can just unwind from the bustle of the noisy atmosphere of the city.

Pascatragedi tsunami and peace agreement in Aceh, Aceh's tourism sector is back stretch. Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics Aceh, the number of domestic and foreign tourists to the province continues to increase, especially the last three years.

The number of domestic tourists to the province as many as 720 079 people in 2010. That number continues to increase to 959 545 people in 2011 and 1.0268 million people in 2012. The number of foreign visitors to the province as many as 20 648 people in 2010. That number continues to increase to 28 054 person years 2011 and 28 993 people in 2012.

Momentum was not wasted by the people around Lampuuk Beach. They built bungalow for tourists who want to rest or spend the night there. There are also vendors that build stalls and huts on the shore.

Floating Ship Diesel Miracle Tsunami (PLTD Apung)

This is a big wreck that sank in the middle of the village near Ulee Lheue. Its presence reminded how powerful tsunami in Aceh on 26 December 2004. The disaster was preceded earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale followed by the coming flood of unexpected so mengakibatnya hundreds of thousands of lives and slammed stretchable Banda Aceh community life.You can see these wrecks in Kampung Punge Blang Cut, District Jaya Baru, Banda Aceh. Most of the houses when it runs out of water swept the sea when the tsunami hit and now has beganti with new buildings.

Shipwreck Diesel Power (diesel) Floating I, which has a deadweight of about 2,600 tons, a length of 19 meters, and a width of 9 meters have been pushed to the mainland as far as 2 km from the Port Uleelheue. This ship is owned National Electricity Company (PLN) who came to Aceh in 2003 to meet the demand for electricity in Banda Aceh then by sea. Previously, ships with a capacity of 10 megawatts of electricity generators are anchored in various places, and last served in West Kalimantan. With electrical power of 10.5 MW generated no wonder this ship very important role for the people of Aceh.

This ship was made in Batam 1996, used in London in 1997, Overcoming electricity crisis Bali for submarine cables disconnected in 1999, overcoming the problem of electricity in Madura in 2000 and returned to Pontianak again in 2001 and then moved to the port of Ulee Lheue Banda Aceh in July 2003.

You can imagine how this ship dragged tsunami. How kalutnya people at the sight of the large size of this ship dragged to the mainland. However, more frightening is how big, strong and high waves that carry this great ship sank in the middle to the mainland.

The ship had previously been in position 3 km from the port and then brought ashore to wreck in the middle of the village. When the tsunami hit on his boat there are 11 crew members but only one of the 11 crew members survived. 1 crew who survived due to remain on board when the barge was brought waves to the mainland. When the water receded, another crew got off the ship and the only one that did not go down. Well, when the sea water began to rise again, 10 crew actually exposed to flood the tsunami, while only 1 crew were still aboard the lucky one who survived.

At this point you are not only able to see the ship from the bottom but can roam up to 3 floors. For on board, you can go through an iron staircase in the hull.
Not far from these wrecks you can stroll to the Tsunami Education Park. The very beautiful garden with mature trees in all its parts. The walkways are constructed winding make the garden look beautiful. You also can browse pictures of the tsunami on display near the park.

To achieve shipwreck Diesel Power (diesel) Floating I then you will enter the village road about 300 meters. The road is not too wide but is paved smooth. Its location in the village of Punge Blang Cut, District Jaya Baru, Banda Aceh. This tourist location only 1 km from the center of Banda Aceh, and you can rent a motor rickshaw with corresponding prices.

Friday, 21 November 2014

The Concept of Aceh Tsunami Museum

Tsunami Museum has 6 concept in its development. Among these concepts are as follows:

1. Rumoh Aceh

Design Museum Tsunami took the basic idea of the home stage of Aceh as an example of the architecture of past wisdom in responding to the challenges and natural disasters. This design refers to the state of Aceh in the past which has also been hit by the disaster. This concept reflects the beliefs of religion and adaptation to nature.

2. Escape Building

Design Museum Tsunami rescue shaped hill in anticipation of the tsunami hazard in the future.

3. Sea Waves

Plan of building an analogy from the epicenter of an ocean wave as a reminder of the tsunami.

4. Saman Dance (Hablumminannas)

Acehnese dance that symbolizes unity and cooperation of the Acehnese, reflecting a strong social life will be of mutual help and mutual help, reflected through the exterior skin of the building on Aceh Tsunami Museum.

5. The Light of God (hablumminallah)

Inside the building there is a space Tsunami Museum is a well-shaped cylinder that shined light up as a symbol of man's relationship with God.

6. Public Park

Tsunami Museum is also an open public park that can be accessed and enabled at any time
by the community, as a response to the urban context.


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